Wednesday's product
Despite all the cursing all the quarreling and all the disagreement on the collage, we had a pretty great and colourful end product.
End product
Though almost all the teachers were nonplus by our collage, they were even more nonplus that our class was dirty as a rubbish dump. They couldn't believe that a girl filled with 20 girls and only four boys could turn a classroom upside down. *coughs* sexist *coughs*
Besides that, our class drew eggs this week...
Aren't they adorable? Farah did most of the faces. Mine is the red egg :D It shouldn't be hard to decipher which one is mine.
Oh lastly, I got expel from school for one week... :'( How can I get expel right? I don't even know, NONONO! SHIT, black listed!
Nah I'm just messing with you :P I didn't get expel. All students of KDU just have to quarantine themselves due to H1N1 virus in school. We've 5 confirm cases so far. :( In a good way, I'm buoyant for it, on the other hand, all paramount competitions have to be postpone and there isn't going to be Open day this year. How depressing...