Day 11: Driving without her
Sis was feeling under the weather so mom,dad and I went for an ocean drive without her. I think she didn't want to go anyway :\
One of the scenic view
We were lucky that we got to see whales during our trip. They were migrating.
Sadly they didn't give us any performance. I think there were about 2-4 whales? Or are they sharks? :O you be the judge :)
Next we went to Erskine Falls.
It was nice but the waterfall in Cameron is still better. We drove back to the place where we saw the whales. Sadly they were gone. We ate lunch at a seafood restaurant near the pier.
We drove some more to see some a lot of rocks.
We stopped to eat scones since dad was still hungry
and we drove further up to see MORE rocks. They said to be twelve rocks but I only counted eight :(
It rain when we were driving, and usually raining means MORE WIND! More wind = colder!
However, their wind is awesome when it comes to taking picture of waves from the sea.
We reached back at Melbourne around 8.45p.m and ate Thai for dinner. I notice we ate quite a number of Thai food X)
We visited sis and went back to our hotel.