Marshimellow with chocolati!
Happy 15th Birthday Dennis!!!!!
3Columubus poster-made by Eunice
Casper's poster -made ESPECIALY by Eunice
Here u go Eunice :D Save ur hubby's picture!
The band of 3 Columbus!
Once agiaa...the band
From right to left:
-Shen Deng (drumer)
-Mei Yi (singer)
-Shiffa (violist)
-Sham (bassits)
-Casper (guitarist)
-Azraei (Guitarist)
Casper + Azraei in duet instrument competition
Casper makes 3c pround by bring home the medals. He was awarded for best guitarist and best supporting actor
The crazy monkey's performance
After paramount event, Hafidz and Azraei were doing a stunt. They successed the first time but...
Fail the second time...
And last but not least, congratz 3A for being winning the best class award.
That's about the last paramount story for the 3columbus people since we're going to be separated next year...sobbies! So, big thanks to everyone who participated. Even though u didn't win it's ok :D Coz u were brave enough to do the things other people didn't dare!
Well...School reopens as everyone knows. First week was ok. We had our badminton tournement and overall... rules were sucking-at least that's what teacher said.
Everyone was rushing trough their KH,Sejarah and Goeg project. I'm so darn happy that I finished KH and Sejarah already...-.- Well Sejarah was thanks to Mr.Jaya for rushing us, without him I bet we would all be ruching it by now too.
Hanna from Japan!
Boy! She's only 4 years you! Can you believe it :) No joke!
2nd was...
Rizku Siti Fatimah from Indonesia! She loves flowers and umbrellas a lot ^^
3rd was my idol...!
Wong Hei Man from Hong Kong! isn't he cute, Syahrain? ^^
No he's not rain man... He's Avon Lee Shiu Chai from Hong Kong~
Kim Jae Hyung from Korea
Wat the heck? Dun tell me the dummy is gona...
Jasmine Rice's performance!
My idol!!! Wong Hei Man!
Rizkyand I! Doesn't she look a lot like Chatherine Lee?
Harry and I, isn't he cute? LOOK! a card umbrella!
The Malaysia contestant Vikneswaran s/o Allagu and his assistant. Just call him Vicky~
As close as we can be~~ Like 2 peas in a pot
Me, my mom and sis :)
Ok, so we're 1 big happy family! Well, I also can't forget my pets~ which is my sis's dog (pat), my cat (whiskers) and my dad's dozen of fish! Without them, I wouldn't be able to let my emotions out without telling anyone ;)
Isn't he cute...:)
My kitty cat
My dad's fishes
So ladies and gents! Get yourself a pet now :D
OK, that's all for the family topic. Now let's move on to friends. I will never forget my 6h friends. They're fun to be with! Although not all the time where that was the so call "If you friend her I don't friend you" thing going on. Although that never happende to me or my friends. It only happende to the other girls in my 6h class lolz.
I love my 6h life so much, I will never forget my first crush lolz. How pathetic was I that time man! Oh boy... And there's also the time where I beat everyone else in mandarin spelling -I only did it for the stars and rewards that teacher gave *hint hint*- although there was once where a girl almost caught up to me. Then when my mom donated money to Yuk Chai and I got soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (you get the idea) many grey recycle pencils. Yes, grey recycle pencils!
Then there was also this time where I went on stage to perform standard 6 dance and compete in a english story competition. I didn't win though :( Furthere more there were times when I fought with a guys -I think that was when i discovered that kicking dicks was way better than kicking asses lolz XD - for troubling me. Also when I hated this prefect so much, she use to be my friend and she suddenly changed. Also not to forget that 1 of my guy friend and his gang got his revenge on me -i forgot his revenge - because i tripped him. Oh man, those where the good times that i'll never forget... Miss it so much. Also all those birthday parties that i had -I used to beat the other girl's birthday parties XD.
This were a bunch of the crazy people. :)
Form2 3c
Form 3 3C
Lastly, how the heck can i for get my Sri KDU pals? Too bad Nick when to Aussie :( Aw man, I miss him so much. Anyway, Sri KDU is a crazy place... When this girl named Chaterine went away, then came another girl named Chien Ting =.=''' What do you have to do to stop them from coming???? I feel little regrete going to Sri KDU, not the friends part -well only sometimes- but all the stress times and the long hours of studies~~~~~~~~ MAN! Taman Sea was never like that, I miss Taman Sea!!!!!!
See~ Gaying! That's Shen Deng and Say Hou btw :)
Haiz...Also there was this asshole teacher name Bitch -you guys know who it is- in form 2. No one like her! She suck so bad! Anyway, my friends will always cheer me up, so what the heck, I'm happy, everyones happy *smiles*
I will never forget the first day I went to Sri KDU. I was so extremely sad cause I didn't have any friends and I though "shit! What have I done?!?!? I wanna go back to Taman sea!!!" But then, I went into a new class of course! In 3COLUMBUS! where all the little tiny columbians live! I was crying though -I know you guys still remembered, ya haha very funny- I was afraid that I wouldn't get friends again... However I was extremely wrong! First to pop was Syahrain, how can you forget her? Then Nadirah and Penguin aka Shifaa. That was a good time!
After that the next day, Meet Xiao Ying, Tzer Thorng, Eric, Choong Yene and Shen Deng. I can never forget when i met Tzer Thorng! It was the time when we were passing up our ICT file to Vanessa and then Tzer Thorng saw my name when went Eeeeeeeeeee Wen~ And then I said no, it's Ee wen! Don't call me EW ok *smiles* And he went kk! EW Wen! *glares* And you Tzer Thorng -I didn't pronouce it rightly, then he told me correctlly and we were just friends all of a sudden. Lolz.
Tzer Thorng and I :)
Then I can't quite remember how I knew the rest, I guess we sorta just click! :) I remembered the whole form 3C where teasing Eric and I lolz. Sorry guys and Eric! I didn't turn out,:( really sorry. Then Syahrain adn Tzer Thorng form a E&E society...=.= *swt* And Eunice and I couldn't stop talking about maple then lolz. Then Li Jen and I always fought lolz, but that didn't last for very long ^^. And I always ended up messing Eric and tzer Thorng's hair for bullying me. Oh and also the 3G girls that we knew!
Form3 skitters-1 big crazy family!
Then in form2 we sorta grew out of maple and the biggest news of all E&E -you guys know what it means...- were clicking! Though it didn't last for long :( I can't quite remember form 2 life though, I just know it was fun and enjoyable! You know, guys gaying around...girls kicking guys cocks -ok maybe I was the only 1 kicking cocks and the rest was just chasing but hey, you won't get revenge if you go easy on them ;) - for bullying them. Then Sai Kiat and Hafiz joined in and Choong Yene left *sobbies*. Oh and how can you forget Nanisha! Damn she was a good friend! And I remember at the last few days of school we hanged out in the cafeteria to play board games wif her and watch movie and some rooms.
Choong Yene - the Shen Deng hater
Then form3 came! Ghis Laine joined in! We were all serious. OK not all of us, just some of us. Hehe~ And that's when I found there's so much more better animes and the girls in 3c are lesbians!!!! Welll... not all. I'M NOT A LESBIAN! IM STRAIGHT! I CAN PROVE IT BECAUSE I DATE WIF GUYS AND HAVE CRUSHES ON THEM AND NOT ON GIRLS!!!!! :) But hey, we like todo it so we just went anyway. Then the guys would always be gaying around especially Say Hou, Aaron, Shen Deng , Hafiz and Yee Leong lolz. Right now, I think the big news is weather Eunice and Casper are together. No one will never know...Oh man! I wish PMR would end now! :(
And How can I forget Jason? Lolz, the random dude that lives near my house...=.= Nice to have met you Jason :)
Here are just some random pictures~
Syahrain, Li Jen, sook Teng and Eunice!
Cheers! To coke!!!
Syahrain and Eunice trying to be... no idea what maybe Samuria X?
Note: Sry if there's grammer errors, I wrote that at 1.30a.m in the morning Zzzzzzzzzz