She can play spongebob squarepants song on the guitar!!!
Spot me! :D
Yum, yum~ It's on Outbake in Bangsar ^^
Other than the school and the cake, the other thing that I forgot to say that was my school sport's day is over! Yes! No more stressful sports! And Eunice didn't get into the runnig event.... :( Now you know how I felt when I didn't get in too Eunice! And you were the one who said there's no point being depress! Oh well, i don't give a F- about it anymore. Sure I'm piss but who gives a shit?
Anyway, Green was champion for sports day, fellow by red, blue and yellow. We were 2 marks behind blue!!!!!!!! blue gpt 305 and yellow got 302 T_T sobs. March past was fun eventhough i got sun burn. We had a lot of applause for it but we got 3rd place XD lolz.
Out tent! We got 2nd place :D
You know who that is :)
our holy yellow house captain-Mr.Pang
Yellow, blue, red and green. Mix it together and you'll get...?
I also went to penang for a 1day trip. It was alright until the last day when my dad scolded me for locking the room door. It was crazy of him to go out through my door anyway, maybe this will give some sence to my parents to not join doors next time. Penang was OK as usual. I go there every year so it's not much of a big deal.
If you see closely, there's a bird nest!
That picture was taken in my dad's friend's shop-Dr.Tan. He and his wife work as business people selling goods of plants and other stuff. It was nice. The aunty was so kind she gave us about 20 containers containing gels -the gels for the flower and sometimes you see decorations- I can finally use that for my own use ^^
Traffic was damn heavy
We took the ferry to penang instead of the bridge XD
That's all for the hols. Nothing else happen.
My regretes~
So I've been thinking a lot in the hols and I thought to myself that my life could have change with 1 single move. I've a lot of regretes and I hope it won't effect my furture.
What if...
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have good results?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I be well-known because of my sister?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have gone to a concert?
I never went Sri KDU? Would my life be easier coz of my sis?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have less depressing thoughts?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I meet less bitchy people?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I be active in more things?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have a surprise party?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have date again?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have won a medal?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have met a nasty teacher?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I be class manager?
I never went Sri KDU? Would I have more post?
I never went on maple? Would I have meet Jason?
I never went on maple? Would I have a new guild?
I never slack off in the past? Would I be smarter?
Well... those are some of my thoughts. I really don't know the answer. But I really miss Taman Sea a lot and often wish I never left there. Life would really be so much more easier for me in Taman Sea then in KDU. I would have seriously no doubt about it have an easier life because of my sister and all my cousins. My sister was the prom queen of Taman Sea, the teasurer of Interact Club, the Patrol leader for scouts, the teasurer of her class and the editor of the editoral board. So I think I would really have an easier life and would be a bit more well-known than now in KDU.
The BSB!
Yes... People love them
The whole group!
Thanks so much Wen fei!